Helping people get seen

I solve creative problems to help people get their ideas out in the open.
And I help ‘hidden’ people get out there and show us what they can do.

Championing the invisible

When I’m out at events and networking I still meet far fewer women than men. Through my work as Chair of Tech West Midlands I’m nearly always the only woman speaking at events – why?

Now I insist that panels are made up of at least 52% women – so can you. Together we can balance out all those skewed panels from the past. 

Rethinking thought leadership

When did leaders stop leading? In business. With ideas. 

Thought leadership is nothing without actual thoughts and actual leaders. We can make it something again if we start speaking about the important stuff: diversity, equality, next-level creative thinking. 

With the right approach, we can have it out without falling out.

A bit different. A bit brilliant.

I’m the owner of a creative design agency – probably because I love a challenge. You wouldn’t want to take me on at Monopoly. But you would (and should) share your creative problems with me.

Try me: I’ve built my career on thinking differently. And I’m neurodivergent – that’s actual different thinking.

Keeping on running

In life. In the parks. When I’m not Squibbling or talking you can find me doing the other thing I love most: running. 

It’s what keeps me sane, even when my family don’t.